December 17, 2002
MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Rocheleau, Joanne O’Brien, Robert Ricker, Sharon McManus, Peter Brennan
STAFF: Pamela Harding
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m.
Review of Action Plan – R. Ricker suggested eliminating item number five under Specific strategies to be promoted because it is covered in another section of the regulations and that Town Counsel, Robert Martin be informed not to review this item. P. Brennan suggested adding a definition of what an affordable unit is. J. O’Brien suggested that the Committee be informed when the Town is given the right of first refusal for Chapter 61 property. The Committee made changes to ensure that Action Plan would address other affordable units that are not filed under a Chapter 40B application.
Review of Comprehensive Permit Regulations - The Committee reviewed a draft of the Comprehensive Permit regulations and made various changes which include increasing the number of submitted plans and eliminating a specific period to provide a recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals. The Committee requested that changes be made and the revisions be distributed in their next packet prior to discussion with the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Review of AHEPA Proposal – At the last meeting AHEPA stated that Holden is required to have a Community Consolidated Plan and a Analysis of Impediment to Fair Housing Choice. Holden does not have these plans, but either did Peabody and Haverhill, which are two communities in Massachusetts where AHEPA has completed elderly affordable developments. AHEPA representative Arthur Lagadinos was meeting with Town staff to discuss the next steps which were required to be taken. R. Ricker obtained information on HUD mortgage program 202 and requested that it be distributed in the Committee’s next packet. P. Brennan requested that Arthur contact the main AHEPA office to ensure that they are not willing to conduct historic preservation. The Committee
agreed that they would like to continue pursuing this project. The Committee would like to try and locate sites for this type of development at the next meeting. It was requested that Colony be contacted to determine if they have a waiting list. S. McManus stated that Holden Housing Authority will be providing a letter which addresses their waiting list.
Dimmick Property – The Committee was informed that a developer by the name of Satir Papalilo was interested in developing a Chapter 40B project on an approved but unconstructed subdivision located on the northern portion of Route 112A, across from the intersection of Route 68. Mr. Satir stated that he would like to construct one building on each lot, with four units in each building, for a total of twenty four units. The Committee stated that it sounded like a good project and requested that Mr. Papalilo be invited to the next scheduled meeting to discuss the proposal further.
The next meeting will be held on January 7, 2003 at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:20